Supercharge your dev career with X-Mentor

The Gamified AI -Powered platform to fine-tune and hone your coding skills.

For all skill levels.


Ship New Real-World Modelled Projects.

Build your portfolio. Get reviews on your code daily.

Build Projects

Select a project to work on from our vast array of real-world modelled projects and build projects that can get you hired easily.

Get Realtime Review

Get AI reviews on your code in real-time. Your GitHub repository is automatically created and connected, so you see reviews on your code in real-time.

Build Your Portfolio

Easily build and update your portfolio. Your X-Mentor profile is your developer portfolio. Completed projects get added automatically.

Get Figma Files

Get access to Figma designs for your project to simplify your development experience. Easily replicate Figma designs by having access to Figma files.

Get Hired

Complete projects. Build your portfolio and get hired. Get a job through X-Mentor Career and keep fine-tuning your coding skills.

Collaborate. Build Project with a Team.

Build with fellow developers. Collaborate in a team.

Join a Team. Ship projects faster.

Collaborate with frontend and backend developers. Work on projects. Manage tasks automatically. Receive live feedbacks from your team and chat in realtime.

Solve Coding Challenges

Solve coding problems personalized for you.


Ace Interviews

Solve coding challenges and ace technical interviews easily. Solve coding challenges in JavaScript and other programming languages in different levels.



Our coding challenges takes you from a zero thinker to being a genius problem solver. Master how to solve any coding problem easily with X-Mentor.

Gamified: Code To Earn

Farm points that becomes crypto tokens later


Farm Airdrop

Farm the $XMNT airdrop by completing projects and coding challenges. Convert your in-game points to crypto at token launch.



Our platform is powered to motivate you to do what you love. Receive points and badges that keeps you motivated daily.

CoDemon: Personal AI Assistant

Supercharge your coding with CoDemon


Debug Easily

Debug your code easily, faster and smarter with CoDemon. Resolve the issues in your code with CoDemon.


Code Assist

Get code assists from CoDemon. Accelerate and automate your coding process with CoDemon.

What are you waiting for?

Sign up below with your email to get early access to X-Mentor today.